EU Projects

Sustainable Careers

Responsible Research and Innovation

RRI Tools

EU Projects

EuroScience participates in European Projects to foster the responsibility and the engagement of the scientific community on european level.

Runing Projects

 Sustainable Careers for Researcher Empowerment

 The Sustainable Careers for Researcher Empowerment (SECURE) project will develop coordination and support measures to create, trial, implement, and mainstream a common Research Career Framework (RCF) that offers a suite of options to support organisations in the recruitment, employment, training, development, progression, and mobility of researchers with the aim of improving research careers and reducing career precarity.

The RCF will recognise the research profession across sectors, provide a career development and progression structure for research careers, recognise both research and transferable skills and competences, facilitate intersectoral collaboration and mobility, and offer solutions to the precariousness of research careers in academia. 

SECURE will mainstream the RCF and TTL models through a series of policy briefs and a summit that explain key aspects of the RCF and TTL models to relevant organisations employing researchers.

Finalised Projects


Horizon 2020 project

 May 2017 – April 2021

NewHoRRIzon aims at integrating Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI, an umbrella-term aiming at involving society in science and innovation) into national and international levels. It targets in particular the current research framework programme Horizon 2020 and future multiannual programmes e.g. FP9.


To do so, NewHoRRIzon has created 18 Social Labs that cover all sections of H2020. This cutting-edge methodology provides a socially based, experimental, and systematic approach to solve complex problems. The strength of the approach consists in its ability to bring together different actors, their knowledge, and expertise. The Social Labs have also allowed the creation of storylines and narratives to promote RRI.

EuroScience was part of the project’s communication and dissemination Work Package (WP9), working more particularly on the production of dissemination materials both in general terms on RRI as well as the project NewHoRRIzon itself. It was also in charge of the development of the project website, social media management and creation of a story pool.

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RRI Tools

For Responsible Research and Innovation

Europe wants to promote not only excellent but also socially desirable science and technology:

it is vital to align the objectives of research and innovation processes with the needs and values of the societies that support them. This is the core of the ambitious initiative of the European Commission on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as a cross-cutting issue in Horizon 2020, the current Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

With this aim in mind, a Responsible Research and Innovation Toolkit has been produced by the EC-funded three-year project RRI Tools (2014-2016).

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